Sunday, May 8, 2011

Nuit Blanche-NYC

A few shots from some fantastic public art last night in New Yorks City Nolita neighbourhood.
The whole event, presented by Nuit Blanche, was so much fun, one of those time when you just love to be living in such a vibrant city!
In particular a 3D video by Marco Brambilla (that was brilliantly shown inside St Patrick Old Cathedral) was really exciting, check out more of his work here

Monday, April 25, 2011

Anna Higgie

Great Illustrations for Ann Higgie a Bacelona based Illustrator!

I love the stroke marks and the mix of the Bridget Riley style geo's!

Donlt forget to check out her great blog!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Life Drawing 4/21

Some recent sketches from a Life Drawing class I attended with my friend Robin.
This time we went to Spring Studio in Soho- a real traditional feeling art room - dirty and crammed with stuff!
It was the first time since moving to New York that I felt an real artistic vibe in Soho.
Robin and I mussed about perhaps this is how it 'might have been'!

I have to say my sketching is pretty rusty right now but hopefully it will improve with practice!

Conflict Photography

Amazing Photography from conflict photgraphers Tim Hetherington and Chris Hondras, who were sadly killed on Wednesday in Libya.
These images are so strong and thought proviking.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Philly, Friends, Franklin Fountain= Good Times